Our scientific activities are highly collaborative and supported in large parts by the German Research Foundation, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Berlin Institute of Health, as well as by foundations and industry.
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)
- SFB/TR 84: „Innate Immunity of the Lung – Mechanisms of Pathogen Attack and Host Defense in Pneumonia“,
- SFB1449: „Dynamic Hydrogels at Biointerfaces“
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (The Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
- PROGRESS – Pneumonia Research Network on Genetic Resistance and Susceptibility for the Evolution of Severe Sepsis.
- CAPSyS – Systems Medicine of Community Acquired Pneumonia.
- Phage4Cure – Developing bacteriophages as approved therapy against bacterial infections.
- SYMPATH – System Medicine of Pneumonia-aggravated Atherosclerosis.
- MAPVAP – Pre-clinical mechanistic assessment of two bacteriophage cocktails targeting multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli for the treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia.
- PROVID – Clinical, molecular and functional biomarkers for prognosis, pathomechanisms and treatment strategies of Covid-19.
- NAPKON – the National Pandemics Cohort Network.
- PULM-Vasc
Further funding organizations
- Berlin Institute of Health – BIH
- Mukoviszidose e.V.BundesverbandCystische Fibrose
- Jürgen Manchot Foundation
- Center of Infection Biology and Immunity (ZIBI)
- CAPNETZ Foundation
- Sanitätsdienst der Bundeswehr
Industry Partners
- Aptarion
- Bayer Healthcare AG
- Biotest AG
- CSL Behring AG
- Pantherna
- others