CARECHAIN-NCD continues the successful work carried out in the previous project which was dedicated to establishing a centre of excellence for Heart and Lung Diseases in the town of Ifakara in central Tanzania, attached to St. Francis Referral Hospital. The partners Charité, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute and Ifakara Health Institute will be able to continue their work and be able to implement a chain of care for non-communicable diseases between the central Heart & Lung clinic in Ifakara up to the rural and most remote communities in Kilombero region. The project will start on 1st of May 2023 and run until April 2028.
- Else Kröner-Fresenius Stiftung supports project „CARECHAIN-NCD“ with 1.2Million Euros
CARECHAIN-NCD continues the successful work carried out in the previous project which was dedicated to establishing a centre of excellence for Heart and Lung Diseases in the town of Ifakara in central Tanzania, attached to St. Francis Referral Hospital. The partners Charité, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute and Ifakara Health Institute will be able to continue their work and be able to implement a chain of care for non-communicable diseases between the central Heart & Lung clinic in Ifakara up to the rural and most remote communities in Kilombero region. The project will start on 1st of May 2023 and run until April 2028.
PD Dr. med. Thomas Zoller
Dr. med. Tilman Lingscheid
Clinical scientist
Helene Kriedemann
Clinical scientist
Hans-Jakob Meyer
Clinical scientist
Dr. med. Fridolin Steinbeis
Clinical scientist
Weiwei Xiang
Data scientist
Funding / Partners
Funding / Partners
Partners and collaborations:
Our work is funded by:
Selected publications our respective fields of research:
Respiratory health in developing countries:
Zoller T, Mfinanga EH, Zumba TB, Asilia PJ, Mutabazi EM, Wimmersberger D, et al. Symptoms and functional limitations related to respiratory health and carbon monoxide poisoning in Tanzania: a cross sectional study. Environmental Health. 2022;21:38.
Zoller T, Mfinanga EH, Zumba TB, Asilia PJ, Mutbazi EM, Wimmersberger D, Kurth F, Mhimbira F, Haraka F, Reither K. Chronic airflow obstruction in Tanzania – a cross-sectional study. BMC Pulmonary Medicine (2018) 18:11.
Artemisin treatment of malaria:
Kurth, Florian, Pinkus Tober-Lau, Tilman Lingscheid, Lara Bardtke, Johanna Kim, Andrea Angheben, Federico G. Gobbi, et al, Zoller T. „Post-Treatment Haemolysis Is Common Following Oral Artemisinin Combination Therapy of Uncomplicated Malaria in Travellers“. Journal of Travel Medicine, 5. Januar 2023, taad001.
Kurth F, Develoux M, Mechain M, Malvy D, Clerinx J, Antinori S, Gjørup IE, Gascon J, Mørch K, Nicastri E, Ramharter M, Bartoloni A, Visser L, Rolling T, Zanger P, Calleri G, Salas-Coronas J, Nielsen H, Just-Nübling G, Neumayr A, Hachfeld A, Schmid ML, Antonini P, Lingscheid T, Kern P, Kapaun A, da Cunha JS, Pongratz P, Soriano-Arandes A, Schunk M, Suttorp N, Hatz C, Zoller T. Severe malaria in Europe: an 8-year multi-centre observational study. Malaria journal. 2017; 16(1):57.
Kurth F, Lingscheid T, Steiner F, Stegemann MS, Bélard S, Menner N, Pongratz P, Mayer B, Kim J, von Bernuth H, Damm G, Salama A, Suttorp N, Zoller T. Haemolyis after oral artemisinin combination treatment of uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria: the HAEMO-ART study. Emerging Inf Dis. 2016; 8(11):1325-1339.
Kurth F, Develoux M, Mechain M, Clerinx J, Antinori S, Gjørup IE, Gascon J, Mørch K, Nicastri E, Ramharter M, Bartoloni A, Visser L, Rolling T, Zanger P, Calleri G, Salas-Coronas J, Nielsen H, Just-Nübling G, Neumayr A, Hachfeld A, Schmid ML, Antonini P, Pongratz P, Kern P, Saraiva da Cunha J, Soriano-Arandes A, Schunk M, Suttorp N, Hatz C, Zoller T; TropNet Severe Malaria Investigator Group. Intravenous Artesunate Reduces Parasite Clearance Time, Duration of Intensive Care, and Hospital Treatment in Patients With Severe Malaria in Europe: The TropNet Severe Malaria Study. Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 1;61(9):1441-4.
Zoller T, Junghanss T, Kapaun A, Gjorup I, Richter J, Hugo-Persson M, Mørch K, Foroutan B, Suttorp N, Yürek S, Flick H. Intravenous artesunate for severe malaria in travelers, Europe. Emerg Infect Dis. 2011 May;17(5):771-7.
Imported infectious diseases:
Tilman Lingscheid, Florian Kurth, Jan Clerinx, Stefania Marocco, Begoña Trevino, Mirjam Schunk, José Muñoz, Ida E. Gjørup, Tomas Jelinek, Michel Develoux, Graham Fry, Thomas Jänisch, Matthias L Schmid, Olivier Bouchaud, Sabino Puente, Lorenzo Zammarchi, Kristine Mørch, Anders Björkman, Heli Siikamäki, Andreas Neumayr, Henrik Nielsen, Urban Hellgren, Malgorzata Paul, Guido Calleri, Pavel Kosina, Bjørn Myrvang, José M Ramos, Gudrun Just-Nübling, Anna Beltrame, José Saraiva da Cunha, Peter Kern, Laurence Rochat, August Stich, Peter Pongratz, Martin P. Grobusch, Norbert Suttorp, Martin Witzenrath, Christoph Hatz, Thomas Zoller. Schistosomiasis in European travellers and migrants: analysis of 14 years TropNet surveillance data. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2017 Aug;97(2):567-574.
Lingscheid T, Kurth F, Stegemann MS, Clerinx J, Calleri G, Rothe C, et al. ….Zoller T. Outpatient treatment of imported uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria: results from a survey among TropNet and GeoSentinel experts for tropical medicine. Journal of Travel Medicine. 2020;27:taaa082.
Hoffmeister B, Suttorp N, Zoller T. The revised Dengue fever classification in German travellers: clinical manifestations and indicators for severe disease. Infection. 2015 Feb;43(1):21-8.
Wengert O, Kopp M, Siebert E, Stenzel W, Hegasy G, Suttorp N, Stich A, Zoller T. Human African trypanosomiasis with 7-year incubation period: clinical, laboratory and neuroimaging findings. Parasitol Int. 2014 Jun;63(3):557-60.
Chagas Disease:
Wirth, Margit, Rosa Isela Gálvez, Johannes Jochum, Ricardo Strauss, Kaja Kristensen, August Stich, Miriam Stegemann, et al, Zoller T. „Knowledge, Attitudes, Behaviors, and Serological Status Related to Chagas Disease among Latin American Migrants in Germany: A Cross-Sectional Study in Six German Cities“. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 12 (25. Januar 2023): 1047281.
Zoller T, Parisi S, Stegemann M. Current aspects of Chagas disease and the German Chagas network ELCiD. Flugmedizin, Tropenmedizin, Reisemedizin 01/2019. Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart. DOI 10.1055/a-0822-0315 (Download PDF here)
COVID-19 and respiratory disease:
Steinbeis, Fridolin, Philipp Knape, Mirja Mittermaier, Elisa Theresa Helbig, Pinkus Tober-Lau, Charlotte Thibeault, Lena Johanna Lippert, et al., Zoller T. „Functional Limitations 12 Months after SARS-CoV-2 Infection Correlate with Initial Disease Severity: An Observational Study of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Capacity Testing in COVID-19 Convalescents“. Respiratory Medicine 202 (Oktober 2022): 106968.
Steinbeis, Fridolin, Charlotte Thibeault, Felix Doellinger, Raphaela Maria Ring, Mirja Mittermaier, Christoph Ruwwe-Glösenkamp, Florian Alius, et al, Zoller T. „Severity of Respiratory Failure and Computed Chest Tomography in Acute COVID-19 Correlates with Pulmonary Function and Respiratory Symptoms after Infection with SARS-CoV-2: An Observational Longitudinal Study over 12 Months“. Respiratory Medicine 191 (Januar 2022): 106709.
Health Telematics Infrastructure
Health Telematics Infrastructure
Health Telematics for improving TB- and HIV-care in rural Tanzania
The project „Health Telematics for improving TB- and HIV-care in rural Tanzania“ was carried out in the year 2020 to 2022 in Kilombero region of Tanzania.
The aim of the project was to develop, implement and test the proof-of-concept for a novel IT system „Health Telematics Infrastructure – HTI“ to connect rural and remotely living populations to centralized diagnostic and therapeutic services for TB and HIV.
A low-cost open-source software solution was designed connecting existing software packages together to build a data capture, sample tracking and SMS healthcare worker and patient feedback system, enabling e.g. molecular testing of TB samples from people living hundreds of kilometers away from the central lab. HTI works under low-bandwidth and unstable internet conditions anywhere with at least 2G coverage. HTI was technically developed and maintained by our partner eHealth Africa.
The project was successfully completed on April 30, 2022, and the project evaluation including medical and public health effects, technical aspects, but also social and socio-economic and data protection aspects will continue until early 2023, and results will be published in 2023.
Project team
Dr. Jerry Hella (IHI)
Dr. Michael Kasmiri (IHI & SFRH)
Mwanhamisi Mfaume (IHI & SFRH)
PD Dr. Thomas Zoller (CHARITE)
Helene Kriedemann (CHARITE)
Johanna Roegele and Aboubacar Douno (eHealthAfrica)
For any enquiries, feel free to contact the project team at
The project was funded by:
GIZ – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (Germany)
BMBF – Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany)