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Selected publications
A. Afriat, V. Zuzarte-Luís, K. Bahar Halpern, L. Buchauer, S. Marques, Â. F. Chora, A. Lahree, I. Amit, M. M. Mota, S. Itzkovitz, A spatiotemporally resolved single cell atlas of the Plasmodium liver stage, Nature (2022)
We analysed a complex spatiotemporal single-cell data set of the malaria liver stage that covered both host and parasite transcriptome changes to find that parasite progression depends on the hepatocyte’s position in the liver’s spatial structure.
Y. Harnik*, L. Buchauer*, S. Ben-Moshe, I. Averbukh, Y. Levin, A. Savidor, R. Eilam, A. E. Moor, S. Itzkovitz, Spatial discordances between mRNAs and proteins in the intestinal epithelium, Nature Metabolism (2021).
We used mathematical modeling and Bayesian parameter estimation to provide genome-wide protein translation and decay rate estimates for an intact renewal tissue.
L. Buchauer and S. Itzkovitz, cellanneal: A User-Friendly Deconvolution Software for Omics Data, arXiv (2021)
We built a rank-based method for estimating cell type proportions in bulk omics data that is easy to use for non-coding scientists and comes with a a grahical user interface.
R. Murugan*, L. Buchauer*, G. Triller, C. Kreschel, G. Costa, G. Pidelaserra Martí, K. Imkeller, C. E. Busse, S. Chakravarty, B. K. L. Sim, S. L. Hoffman, E. A. Levashina, P. G. Kremsner, B. Mordmüller, T. Höfer** and H. Wardemann**, Clonal selection drives protective memory B cell responses in controlled human malaria infection Science Immunology (2018)
We built an agent-based simulation of the germinal centre response to malaria vaccination that helped uncover protective immune mechanisms.